
مسرح الحياة

الحياة مسرحية فيها دمى مُسيرة وممثلون مُلقنون وبشر يرتجلون.. فأيهم أنت؟  في مسرح الحياة تنتهي الفصول بسرعة، ويسدل ستار آخر فصل من دون حتى أن تدرك أنه الفصل الأخير..... كتبته وألقته/ منار جمال 🦋 لسماع خاطرة عن مسرح الحياة  انقر هنا

Who Am I ?!

Who Am I?                                   (1) Every morning after I wake up and see my room clearly this question arises "Who Am I?", but I do not really have a clear answer. I go to college, meet my friends, see new people and ask Road I walk on " who am I?". I have a lot of dreams and big imagination with great stories of who I might be in the future?! Do I really know the answer?! I think I do but I do not want to believe it. I hate to believe how clear it is in my soul. To be continued..  Written by:  Manar Gamal